What CA GROWN Commodity Matches Your Zodiac Sign?


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What CA GROWN Commodity Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

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What CA GROWN Commodity Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

What CA GROWN Commodity Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

Astrology is based on the belief that each astrological “sign” has distinct, unique characteristics—and the same can be said for California Grown produce. We thought it would be fun to assign a California Grown crop (or two, we see you Geminis) to each zodiac sign—one that has something in common with each sign’s dominant traits. Are we experts in astrology? Not even close, but we are experts in the 400+ commodities that the Golden State produces each year. 

Disagree with our picks? Hit us up in the comments and let us know what you would have chosen for your sign!

Aquarius Crop Zodiac is Celery

Aquarius: January 20–February 18

Zodiac sign crop: Celery

Aquarians are represented by the water bearer. In the Middle East, where astrology first originated, January and February were the wettest months of the year. So, what California Grown crop did we choose to represent this star sign? Celery – since celery is mostly water, it seemed like a simple slam dunk.
Aquarians are also unique and creative, which is why they’ll appreciate this unique Celery Slaw from A Girl Defloured.

Pisces: February 19–March 20

Zodiac sign commodity: Dairy

Pisces are creative and imaginative. California dairy is the perfect fit for this out-of-the-box group. Real California Milk is the source for cheese, yogurt, sour cream, and ice cream—use them to create unique, imaginative recipes. Avocado ice cream, anyone? 
Why be like the rest of them, darling? Imaginative Aquarians will adore our Harissa Carrots with Whipped Feta.

PIsces Crop Zodiac. Picture of two slices of cheese in the shape of the Pisces sign
Aries Crop Zodiac match is chile peppers

Aries: March 21–April 19

Zodiac sign crop: Chiles/Peppers

Aries are colorful, confident, and attention-grabbing people. Because they are a fire sign, they may tend toward the dramatic. Aries burn brightly, be careful not to get burned by their heat! Is there any question that chiles and peppers are the obvious match for this spicy sign?

Feel the burn! Aries will enjoy the fiery kick from our Fried Chicken Salad with Jalapeño Vinaigrette.

Taurus: April 20–May 20 

Zodiac sign crop: Walnuts

Stubborness is the defining characteristic of this star sign, which is why we chose walnuts as their zodiac crop. Walnuts are a little stubborn, too. The trees can live for over 200 years, and walnuts remain perfectly fresh for up to a year when stored in the freezer.

Despite their stubborn, headstrong nature, our Taurus friends also crave comfort and serenity. That’s why we think they’ll adore this Creamy Penne with Chicken, Figs and Walnuts – it’s the definition of comfort food. 

Crop Zodiac - Taurus is matched with walnuts
Gemini Crop Zodiac Pair is Peaches and Nectarines

Gemini: May 21–June 21 

Zodiac sign crop: Peaches + Nectarines

Gemini is represented by identical twins. Peaches and nectarines are the perfect fit for the Gemini crowd. They are genetically identical except for one lone gene (which causes peaches to have fuzzier skin). 
Geminis are outgoing and gregarious. We imagine them whipping up a big batch of Nectarine Melba with Fresh Raspberry Sauce and inviting their crew to an ice cream social. And yes, you can totally swap the nectarines for peaches if that’s what floats your boat.

Cancer: June 22–July 22

Zodiac sign crop: Sweet Rice/Wild Rice

Cancers are nurturing and tend to focus on family. Rice is a simple, affordable way to nourish a family. The crab is also the symbol for Cancers  – and we all know that sweet rice and crab is a match made in heaven. Technically, one could say it is a match made in California, since the incredibly popular California roll was created here.
Cancers will crave this California Roll Salad from G-Free Foodie. It’s got all the fabulous flavors you’ll find in your favorite sushi roll, sans the rolling.

Cancer Crop Zodiac. Picture of rice plants
Leo Crop Zodiac = Wine. PIcture of Leo sign with a glass of wine

Leo: July 23–August 22

Zodiac sign commodity: Wine

Leo rules over the house of pleasure and fun. What’s more fun than wine?

We picture wine loving Leos serving White Wine Sangria at their next pool party. Just try to keep the debauchery to a minimum, okay folks?

Virgo: August 23–September 22

Zodiac sign commodity: Olive Oil

The virgin represents Virgo, so naturally, we chose Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the zodiac commodity for this sign. Virgos are also associated with purity, and California EVOO must meet stringent purity and quality standards. This Chunky Olive Oil Dip is an oldy, but a goody! It makes for an amazing appetizer, and while it is one of our older recipes it still ranks as one of our all-time favorites. Virgos will appreciate that this simple recipe complements but doesn’t overwhelm the subtle olive oil flavor.

Olive Oil Represents virgos in our crop zodiac
Pistachios represent Libras in our crop zodiac

Libra: September 23–October 23

Zodiac sign crop: Pistachios

Because Libras are represented by the scales of justice, this sign is all about balance—much like California pistachios. They’re a complete protein, loaded with beneficial nutrients, and can even help balance blood pressure and hormones. 

In keeping with this sign’s particular affinity for balance, they don’t beat themselves up about indulging once in a while. These Pistachio White Chocolate Chip Cookies from Keenan Farms are a stellar splurge.

Scorpio: October 24–November 21

Zodiac sign crop: Fig 

Scorpios are passionate and seductive, and many cultures across the globe associate figs with those same traits. Their smooth, graceful curves and alluring sweetness make them pretty hard to resist (we’re talking about figs here…).

Scorpios, prepare to meet your next obsession. This Berry Fig Tart from our friend Eat the Love is the total package!

Scorpios are represented by Figs in our crop zodiac
Pomegranates are matched in Sagittarius in our crop zodiac

Sagittarius: November 22–December 21

Zodiac sign crop: Pomegranate

Sagittarians are ruled by hedonism + excess. Glossy, glamorous pomegranates have long been a symbol of abundance. 

Since Sagittarians crave romance and seduction, we think they’ll fall head over heels for Salt and Wind’s Oysters with Pomegranate Mignonette Granita

Capricorn: December 22–January 19

Zodiac sign crop: Apple

Capricorns are all about the accumulation of knowledge. In the Bible, what fruit was plucked from the tree of knowledge? An apple, which is why the sweet glossy fruit represents knowledge and education to this day. 
We chose these intricate Apple Dumplings for our Capricorn friends. They’re not a beginner recipe – there’s a good bit of skill and technique involved which may be perfect for our Capricorn friends – but we promise this sweet treat is worth the effort.

Capricorn crop Zodiac with apples

What’s in season during your season? 

Use our seasonality chart to see when your favorite fruits and vegetables are in season in the Golden State!

Learn more about California grown produce!

Article by Hilary Rance. Zodiac Crop graphics by Jenny Diaz.

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