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How does California Grown citrus fruit get from the farm to your table? Let’s find out! When was citrus first planted in...
Here in the Golden State we're proud to say we're the biggest melon producers in the United States, thanks to our fertile landscapes in the Southern Desert Area and the San Joaquin Valley. Today we...
Coachella isn't just famous for it's live music scene. It's also famous for dates. Though they are native to the Middle East, California grows a whole bunch of them, 95% of the domestic crop, in...
Stone fruits are some of summer's most sought after fruits. From peach pie to cherry cheesecake and plum jam to nectarine melbas, we've rounded up some of the most delicious stone fruit recipes on...
From garlic bread to aioli to garlic fries to... vampires, many of us have a love affair with garlic. These garlic recipes make the best of the much-beloved allium, so let's get cooking! Fresh...
We're all guilty of letting celery become less than crispy in our fridge while we pass it over for any other vegetable. But we are here to tell you that celery is delicious. Celery is versatile. And...
Are you on the brassicas bus? if not, you should be. Here are our best broccoli and cauliflower recipes that are sure to make a veggie lover out of anyone. The great news is you can swap broccoli...
If your go-to bean recipes are bean burritos or chili, that's great....but don't stop there! We're sharing some of our favorite ways to use CA Grown beans. Do beans grow in...
Once a year, over half of all commercial beehives in the United States descend on California for the largest pollination event in the world. In each of these 1 million beehives live 30,000-60,000...
You know California grows and produces a lot of food - but did you know that the Golden State leads the nation in dozens of crops and commodities? Around here, we pay a lot of attention to where...
Prunes are what fruit? Here's the scoop - and everything else you ever wanted to know about this fabulous dried fruit. Prunes are what fruit??? All prunes are plums, but not all plums are...
Have you ever wondered how your favorite fruits, veggies and nuts get from farm to table? Fact: produce doesn’t come from a store. It comes from hardworking California farm families and the...