Honeydew Smoothie Bowl


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Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

August 29, 2018
CA Grown Creators

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Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

 Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

My kiddos have been hooked on smoothies this summer.  And I am the queen at perfecting them!  I love it because it’s a sure fire way to get a ton of fruits into their growing bodies, which sometimes can be difficult… especially in the summer when everything is so lax in the food department.


Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

Since melon season is in full swing, I thought I’d try my hand at a Honeydew Smoothie…

and put in in a bowl…. 

and top it with extra goodness…


Doesn’t it look delish?

Halve and scoop out the seeds of honeydew

Of course, we start with fresh, ripe honeydew. Halve and scoop out the seeds.


Remove the rind and cut into big chunks. Throw into a blender along with hemp hearts, coconut milk and honey.

Remove the rind and cut into big chunks. Throw into a blender along with hemp hearts, coconut milk and honey.


Blend until thoroughly combined.

Blend until thoroughly combined.


Pour into a glass or bowl and top with fresh raspberries or any other fruit you prefer.

Pour into a glass or bowl and top with fresh raspberries or any other fruit you prefer. I also topped ours with Nutty California Granola. Triple Yum! 


Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

Dive in and enjoy the melon-y goodness!

Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

Honeydew Smoothie Bowl

Susan the CA Grown Mom
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • Blender


  • 1 honeydew melon, seeds and skin removed and cut into chunks
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp. hemp hearts
  • 1 tbsp. honey


  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Pour into bowls or glasses and top with toppings of your choice.
Keyword honey, honeydew
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