Whole Nut Centerpiece for Thanksgiving


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Whole Nut Centerpiece for Thanksgiving

November 24, 2014
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Whole Nut Centerpiece for Thanksgiving

Whole Nut Centerpiece for Thanksgiving

This easy Whole Nut Centerpiece is easy to pull together, festive, and you can eat the supplies after you’re done using it as décor!

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

You don’t have to look any further than good ol’ Mother Nature herself to find beautiful, vibrant decor for this year’s Thanksgiving Table.  Whole nuts are a perfect, natural element to bring to the feast!

Using a double walled glass hurricane (psst, I’ll tell you how to make your own if you don’t have one) you can flaunt the bounty of this rich agricultural state in an easy to make centerpiece.

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

Whole pecans, almonds and hazelnuts are freshly harvested and ready to crack open.   But first, we make them work double duty on the table!

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

Bring in a few other native elements from around the yard too!  I used autumn-colored maple leaves and scattered more hazelnuts and a few sea shells. A Thanksgiving feast surround by the extravagance of nature.

Here is what we did:

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table
  • Whole nuts (Pecans, Almonds, Hazelnuts)
  • Double-walled glass hurricane
  • Glass hurricanes/ candle holders in graduated sizes
  • Candles
Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

If you don’t have a double-walled glass hurricane, just insert a smaller hurricane inside a larger one and hold in place while you get the first layer of nuts.  Pour in the rest of the nuts and adjust as needed.

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

Autumn perfection!

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

To keep things more monochromatic, I suggest using three hurricanes – all the same height – and filling each one with a different nut.

These beautiful centerpieces make a great conversation piece and can spur on conversations, especially from the kiddos!  A great way to teach them about where our food comes from, and how nuts look before they leave their “home”.

Using whole nuts in your Thanksgiving decor lends an organic feel to your Thanksgiving Table

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family and love!

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