The Best Dried Apricots Recipes, Cherries, & Walnuts From Fairhaven Orchards


When it comes to finding the best fresh and dried apricots, cherries, and walnuts, look no further than Fairhaven Orchards in Hollister. This family-run farm has been in business since 1958, offering top-notch produce that leaves taste buds yearning for more. Fairhaven Orchards embodies the heart and soul of California agriculture, from its fresh fruit and luscious dried apricots to its flavorful walnuts.

Nestled in the fertile lands of Hollister Ranch, is Fairhaven Orchards – a labor of love for three sisters and their families. They are passionate about keeping this family farm’s legacy alive for years to come.

“My father and uncle started farming here in 1958. When my uncle passed away in 2007, my brother and I started working full-time with my dad to help him out with the farm. My brother got sick, and he was our main farmer. He instilled a lot of the great farming practices that we have here today.

When my brother passed, all three of my siblings decided that we were going to take it on and keep this family tradition going. Since then, our husbands have gotten involved. My sister Julie’s husband, Tim, is our main farm manager, and my husband, as well as my brother-in-law, are involved with our harvest operations. My sister is involved in the harvest practices as well. When everything gets busy, it’s all hands on deck,” says Nicole.

Fairhaven Orchards is not just about growing fruit; it’s about community and family. Nicole shares: “Some of our employees have been working for us for 40 years. Even those who aren’t with us anymore still come back and visit. They treat our land like it is theirs, and now their children and grandchildren are coming back and working for us,” says Nicole. This sense of family extends to their customers, who return year after year to enjoy the fresh fruit and friendly atmosphere.

The Royal Blenheim apricot is a rare gem in the world of dried apricots. It grows well in the mild climate of Hollister, and these California apricots offer a distinctive sweet flavor you are not likely to find in your local grocery store. Julie explains: “You can’t grow Royal Blenheim just anywhere. There’s a very small region where you can grow a Royal Blenheim apricot, and Hollister’s the ideal climate,” says Julie.

Fairhaven Orchards offers different types of dried apricots, including slab apricots, colossal apricots, jumbo extra-large, and extra fancy apricots, to suit different preferences and occasions.

Fairhaven Orchards’ dried apricots are a healthy snack packed with nutritious benefits. They are a good source of fiber and a great source of the antioxidants vitamin A and vitamin C. The unique tray-drying process at Fairhaven Orchards ensures that these apricots retain their intense flavor and delicious sweetness. Whether you enjoy them on their own, in granola bars, or in your favorite recipes, these dried apricots are sure to satisfy.

“Another special thing about our fruit stand is we have a lot of variety of cherries, and when you go to a grocery store, you really don’t know what variety you’re purchasing. Here at Fairhaven, we have several varieties, and customers always have their favorites. We have Royal Hellens, Royal Hazel, and Black Pearl is a new variety that my brother planted, and it’s really popular. It’s a nice, big, sweet black cherry. We have a pie cherry, it’s called a Tartarian. They’re small cherries with more water content, so they’re perfect for pies. Then we also have a, kind of blush cherry, and it’s called the Rainier. It’s not my favorite, but a lot of customers do like it,” says Julie.

Fairhaven Orchards stands out as a seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot and other top tier produce. Their commitment to quality and family values makes them a cornerstone of California agriculture. So, the next time you’re in the mood for a nutritious snack or looking to elevate your savory dishes, remember Fairhaven Orchards—the home of the best-tasting apricots, cherries, and walnuts in California.



Warm California Grape & Pancetta Salad with Walnuts




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