How To Grow Garlic At Christopher Ranch

Garlic is more than just a flavor—it’s a story of rich fields, dedicated farmers, and culinary adventures. In California, the garlic capital of the U.S., Christopher Ranch stands as a testament to tradition and innovation. Let’s explore how garlic is grown and processed at Christopher Ranch in California.

No discussion about garlic in California is complete without mentioning Christopher Ranch. This family-owned farm established in 1956 is a garlic powerhouse, producing some of the finest garlic you’ll ever taste. A visit to Christopher Ranch underscores their commitment to sustainable farming practices and ensuring the highest-quality garlic.

“We’ve been growing garlic for over 60 years, and our commitment to quality is stronger than ever,” says Ken Christopher, Executive Vice President of Christopher Ranch. “Our garlic is grown with the utmost care, from planting to harvest, to ensure it meets the highest standards.”

Christopher Ranch has grown from a small family farm to the largest garlic producer in the United States. The farm tends to its garlic with the utmost care, from planting to harvest. This ensures that it meets the highest quality standards. Christopher Ranch prides itself on producing garlic that is not only delicious but also safe and sustainable.

“Our garlic isn’t just another crop to us; it’s our heritage,” Ken shares. “We put our heart and soul into every bulb, and we’re proud to bring that quality to consumers across the country.” Christopher Ranch offers a variety of garlic products, from fresh garlic bulbs to peeled garlic cloves. Which makes it easy to add the perfect amount of garlic flavor to all of your favorite recipes. “Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond our fields. We ensure that every aspect of our production is as environmentally friendly as possible,” Ken emphasizes.

Ken also highlights the importance of family in the business. “Our family values are at the core of everything we do. We believe in treating our employees and customers like extended family.”

Did you know that California produces over 90% of the garlic grown in the United States? That’s right! The Golden State isn’t just famous for its wine and tech hubs, it’s also the undisputed king of garlic production. With its perfect climate and fertile soil, California is the best place for garlic to thrive. If you’re a garlic lover, you owe a big thank you to the Golden State for keeping your dishes flavorful.

California’s garlic farms are home to a diverse range of garlic varieties. Each has its own unique flavor profile and culinary uses. Whether you’re looking for the mild, large-cloved elephant garlic variety or the more intense softneck types, there’s something for every palate.

Christopher Ranch has a good reputation not just for growing garlic, but also for its meticulous processing methods that help ensure the highest quality garlic products. Swipe up to see how garlic is processed at Christopher Ranch!

CA GROWN garlic is available year-round. So, why will you still see Chinese garlic on store shelves? Well, the short answer is that it’s cheaper. Obviously, we’re big fans of choosing locally grown produce whenever possible since locally grown produce is good for local economy, famers, and workers.

Ken Christopher suggests, If you want to see California garlic at your grocery store, talk to your produce manager, write letters, write emails… because at the end of the day, that’s what’s going to make the difference.” We completely agree.

Here at CA GROWN, we consider ourselves garlic aficionados. We literally can’t get enough of the good stuff, and now that we have paid a visit to Christopher Ranch, we are even more pumped about those delicious little cloves. Swipe Up for garlic recipes that we will be making with garlic!


The Best California Garlic Butter Recipe (Spicy Option)




To help consumers recognize California's role in food production and to connect them with the farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers that grow over 400 specialty crops in the Golden State. And since California produces over 50% of the nation's produce, we have lots of stories to tell.